
ISSC Asia Quality Management Symposium 2018 cum Annual Dinner

International Six Sigma Council (ISSC) Asia Quality Management (AQM) Symposium is the flagship event and held on 10th May 2018.  The symposium theme is “Quality Growth beyond Excellence through Innovation”.  The symposium scope spans from the application of QFD, LEAN, TRIZ and Extenics (可拓學) to the exploration of enormous opportunities though Innovation.  Before the symposium, all speaker took a group photo.

(Left: Dr. Jason Kong (Vice-Chairman/Marketing, ISSC), Dr. Catherine Chan, Dr. CO Chan (President, ISSC), Ms. Ada YS Fung BBS JP (previous Deputy Director of Housing (Development & Construction), Dr. Victor Lo, Dr. Wei Pan and I)

In the beginning, Dr. CO Chan (President, ISSC) gave an opening remarks.  He said ISSC had servicing quality field for 12 years.  He briefed the success of WhatsApp that innovation could be started from small things. In 2014, Facebook acquired WhatsApp for US$19 billion!

Ms. Ada YS Fung BBS JP (Former Deputy Director of Housing (Development & Construction) was the keynote speaker and her topic named “Quality is Not an Act; It is a Habit”.  Firstly, she shared the Housing Authority (HA) vision, mission and core values.  They used people-centric approach with competent, dedicated and performance-oriented team.  

Then Ms. Ada Fung discussed their team’s challenges included External parties, Employer and Contractor.  She found that Quality People, Quality System and Quality Product were client need. Therefore, HA had many different program to focus on people management.

And then she said they needed systems for management including ISO 9001, ISO 14001, HKQAA CSR Index (ISO 26000), ISO 50001 and Building Materials Control System (ISO 31000) and EFQM, etc.  Ms. Ada Fung mentioned the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) was focused on people.  After implemented such systems and continuous improvement, their customer satisfaction index increased from 70% to >90% recently.  One of activities reflected HA focused on staff that was Staff Barometer Survey, HA based on the people result for internal improvement.  

After that Ms. Ada Fung briefed some cases in which solved problems by Innovation.  One of cases named the 2nd Generation Acoustic Balcony which installed in Wah Ha Estate at Chai Wan.

Ms. Ada Fung also mentioned how they implemented their idea.  Firstly, they had R&D Steering Committee with objectives included cost effectiveness, quality through innovation, and quality through sustainability for evaluating effectiveness of individual R&D projects.  For new technology implementation, their collaboration round table involved HA, Contractor, Academia, Consultant, Manufacturer, Regulator, Sub-Contractor, Supplier and Laboratory.  Then she introduced the 5 stages of Implementation of R&D: 1. Exploration, 2. Piloting, 3. Monitoring, 4. Reviewing, and 5. Mass Application.

Finally, Ms. Ada Fung introduced the Building Information Modeling (BIM) in full design and construction cycle. Lastly, she shared her dream to us that was to integrate the BIM and Geographic Information System (GIS) since 2011.  Recently, Autodesk and Esri announced the start a new relationship to build a bridge between BIM and GIS mapping technology on 15 Nov 2017.

After the keynote speech, all guests received trophy and took a group photo.

The second speaker was Dr. Catherine Chan (Founder & President, Hong Kong QFD Association) and her speech was “The Way QFD Manages and Develops Innovation”.  Dr. Chan mentioned seeking ideas for new products and new service using QFD.

Firstly, Dr. Catherine Chan briefed that Enterprises were busy with seeking for new ideas and finding ways for cutting costs.  Innovation is required for “New & Improved”. So that she raised a concept that included Knowledge, Innovation and Sustain to finding new things.  The fundamentals QFD Innovation were from “Knowledge Sharing & Creation” and “Inspire Ideas & Formulate”. 

Then Dr. Catherine Chan introduced Nonaka’s SECI Model which combined with QFD related to knowledge management.

After that Dr. Chan briefed how QFD for innovation through the following points:
1.      Gain inspiration from exploring customers’ needs
2.      Highlight areas for innovation through quality planning
3.      Support innovation and carefully adopt suggestions
Lastly, Dr. Chan concluded practicing QFD could promote the inspiration of new ideas.

Dr. Victor Lo (Honorary Lecturer, IMSE Dept., HKU) was the third speaker and his presentation title was “The Development of the Innovative Quality Improvement (IQI) model with Design thinking & TRIZ”.  He said the first wave was Quality and the coming wave was Innovation.  Innovation is the mega trend.

Then Dr. Victor Lo quoted McKinsey & Company’s 2015 survey on innovation and creativity that was found 84% global executives believed innovation was very important but only 6% of executives were happy about employee innovation performance.  Based on Lego foundation study, human creative thinking scores would be decrease by age and almost to be zero over 25 years old.

After that Dr. Victor Lo briefed the TRIZ methodology to solve industry problems using 40 inventive principles.  He raised one of 40 principles as example that was IP 13 – Inversion. And then he also shared his dream to develop a method could be universally applicable.  

Dr. Lo then summarized his Innovation Quality Improvement (IQI) model and briefed the innovation definition included “Need New + Function Value” (需新用值) and PKIR Model   (問知創行) where P – Problem identification, K – Knowledge acquisition, I – Ideation and R – Realization.

Finally, Dr. Victor Lo said “Innovation is a skill that can be learnt and it is a process that can be managed.” He also showed the overall flow chart for promoting the innovation and against psychological inertia.

At the end, he employed one of TRIZ tools named “Nine Window” to find out “What and How to Innovation?”  

Tea Break
During the break, I took a photo with quality friends.

(Left: I, Mr. Harry Li (President, IISE (HK)) and Mr. Henry Soo (Director of Operation, ISCEA.HK))

(Left: Dr. Jason Kong (Vice-Chairman/Marketing, ISSC) and Mr. Solomon Poon (VP, Quality and Operations Excellence, Greater China Organization, Sanmina))

I (Dr. Lotto Lai - Chairman, HKSQ) was the fourth speaker and my presentation entitled “Hong Kong Quality Innovation Way – Innovation Culture based on Extenics (可拓學)”.   My presentation contents included introduction of HKSQ, key strategy in China and Hong Kong, Extenics, Three Creative Methodology under Extenics and Integrated USA, RUSSIA & CHINA innovation methodology, as well as, Innovation Management System.

Firstly, I briefed the HKSQ history since 1986.  We were world partner with America Society for Quality (ASQ) and founding member of Asia Network for Quality (ANQ), as well as, the founding member of World Alliance for Chinese Quality (WACQ).  Our flagship annual event was HKSQ Company-based Student Project Competition and participants in ASQ Conference, ANQ Congress and WACQ Summit.

Then I briefed some key strategies such as One Belt One Road, Made in China 2025, and “Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Great Bay Area”, as well as, “Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park in the Lok Ma Chau Loop” and “Reindustrialization in Hong Kong”.  One of China new strategies was related to my topic was “New generation of AI development plan”.

After that I explained the definition of Quality Innovation and briefed the history of Quality and Innovation tools development, as well as, matching with four industrial revolution.  Per Prof. Cai Wen, the 1st industrial revolution was extension of Arm (power), the 2nd industrial revolution caused by extension of Leg, Ear & Eye. The 3rd industrial revolution was computer power and IT that extension of part of human brain.  The coming 4th industrial revolution was from AI power that extension of human intelligence.

I introduced Prof. Cai Wen (founder of “Extenics”) who studied the law, theory and method for dealing with incompatible problems since 1976.  The birth of “Extenics” was in 1983 based on his first paper of this topic named “Extension Set and Incompatible Problem”.  And then I briefed the fundamental theory and started from Basic-element in which separated into 3 key elements and they were Object, Characteristic and Value.  Nevertheless, I introduced the Extension Four Step Method named Model, Extension, Transformation and Selection (METS).

In METS, I explained more in Extension that included two methods for enhancing your thinking.  One was Extensible Analysis and the other was Conjugate Analysis.  In Extensible Analysis, it included four methods named “Divergence”, “Correlative”, “Implication” and “Opening-up”.  In Conjugate Analysis, all things were considered into four dimensions and they were Nonmaterial Part and Material Part (Physical), Soft Part and Hard Part (Systematic), Latent Part and Apparent Part (Dynamic), as well as, Negative Part and Positive Part (Antithetic).  

First, Second and Third Creative Methods based on Extenics was introduced and discussed.  The First Creative Method (無中生有) started from customer needs and solve the contradiction of unsatisfied needs. It needed to use the Conjugate Need analysis.  The Second Creative Method (有中求變) started from the existing product and extending their function or other characteristic to get the new product.  It usually employed Extensible Analysis.  The Third Creative Method (改缺成優) started from the default of the existing product to improve it to be new product. It needed to use METS method to solve the problem.  

Finally, I demonstrated some studies on “Extenics” and briefed industrial case such as Baby First Education Group was the first Hong Kong Company trained and employed “Extenics”

Lastly, the integration of Extenics, TRIZ and Innovation Culture together for holistic approach was proposed and integrated into Quality Innovation Management System based on ISO 9001:2015 and CEN/TS 16555-1 and its series was discussed, as well as, introduced the coming ISO standard ISO 50501 Innovation Management System.  And then I quoted Prof. Cai Wen statement as conclusion that “Let’s develop and promote the China original discipline “Extenics” together.”

The last speaker was Dr. Wei Pan (Executive Director, Center for Innovation in Construction & Infrastructure Development, HKU) and his topic entitled “Enhancing Construction Productivity and Quality through Innovation”.   Dr. Wei Pan briefed his topic contents included rethinking theory, examining productivity and quality, challenges to Hong Kong, and shared some examples of innovations.

In the beginning, Dr. Wei Pan briefed the Construction Productivity in which had four-fold theoretical approach and they were “Ontology”(本體論), “Epistemology”(認識論), “Methodology”(方法論) and “Axiology”(價值論). 

Then Dr. Wei Pan explained that construction productivity could be regarded as a measure of outputs that were obtained by a combination of inputs.  Those output could be tangible and intangible.  The calculation showed as follows:
Construction Productivity = Optimum Outputs / Optimum Inputs
= Less construction time and cost + Intangible outcomes + Long-term impacts.

And then Dr. Wei Pan briefed the construction productivity based on Epistemology.  

After that Dr. Wei Pan mentioned the methodology such as evaluation framework using Total Factor Productivity (TFP) which was defined as the ratio of outputs (construction output) to all inputs (intermediate, labor and capital, etc.) used for producing the outputs.  He also introduced productivity measurement models from Singapore, US and UK.  

Socio-technical values construction productivity belonged in Axiology.  It included Contractor, Project Manager, Project Owner, Site Labor and End-user, as well as, other stakeholders.  

Finally, Dr. Wei Pan shared some example about Consraint, Strategy and Existing Measures to us. One of their project named “Lean Construction for Improving Productivity in the Hong Kong Construction Industry” was discussed.  Lean Construction aimed lean production, reducing waste and minimizing resources.  

At the end, Dr. Wei Pan summarized his talk in the following points:
1.      Construction productivity and quality are systems concepts
2.      Systems strategies are required for productivity enhancement
3.      Lean construction is an important approach
4.      Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) is a disruptively innovation Solution. 

In panel discussion, Dr. CO Chan (President, ISSC) was chair and all speakers discussed about participants questions.  Our discussion topic included education on innovation, implementation and promotion of innovation, as well as, innovation culture.   

After the symposium, we went to the venue of ISSC annual dinner. I met many friend here and took some photo for memory.

(Left: Dr. Sammy Wan (Past President, IISE(HK)) and I)
HKSQ Representatives

(Left: Dr. Catherine Chan, I and Dr. Aaron Tong)
Sanmina Team

(Left: Mr. William Chui (VP), Dr. CO Chan (ISSC), I (HKSQ), Mr. Solomon Poon (VP – Quality and Operation Excellence) and Mr. Edward Law (Director, Operations))
GP team

(Left: Dr. Sammy Wan, Mr. Cheung (Knowledge Management, GP), Mr. Larry Lee (Customer Services & Compliance Quality Manager), Dr. Aaron Tong, I and Mr. Harry Li (President, IISE (HK))

(Left: Mr. Henry Soo (Director of Operation, ISCEA.HK), I and Ms. Sarah Mak (Regional Executive Director of the Quality Management Division of ASQ))

Before the annual dinner, Dr. Jason Kong (Vice-Chairman/Marketing, ISSC) presented certificates to all supporting organization. I represented Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) to receive the certificate. 

In the beginning of annual dinner, Dr. CO Chan (President, ISSC) gave a welcome speech.  He reviewed the vision, mission and value of ISSC, as well as quality related activities in the past year.  

Dr. Sammy Wan (Past President, IISE(HK)) was the keynote speaker of ISSC Annual Dinner 2018 and his presentation topic entitled “Applying Lean Thinking in Construction Industry to Build for the Future”.  

Firstly, he reviewed the efficiency of construction industry in USA and found that was declining compared with other industry. Then Dr. Wan mentioned the lean thinking in construction because of many wastes using schedule to push for work.

With extremely poor coordination and communication, a large amount of pending works could escalate after starting work.  So inadequate preconditions could arise conflicts at works and design changes or errors were primary sources of rework that was key production waste.  Dr. Wan stated to use Lean and BIM together that had synergy effects to save cost and reduce waste and increase efficiencies.  

At the end, Dr. Sammy Wan concluded Lean thinking in the industry was crucial.  And he predicted that BIM and Digitalization was the key to change the industry very soon and very dramatically.

Dr. CO Chan (President, ISSC) presented the trophy to Dr. Sammy Wan.

All guests in table 1 & 2 took a group photo.

ISSC representatives had a toast to all guests and dinner started.

During the lucky draw session, Dr. Aaron Tong presented a gift to Dr. Catherine Chan.  She was so lucky!

Amazing that I was won the other lucky draw and Mr. Solomon Poon gave the gift to me.

It was a very successful Symposium and Annual Dinner.  Before left, we took a photo with Dr. CO Chan and Dr. Jason Kong to express our appreciation for their invitation.

International Six Sigma Council - http://www.isixsigmacouncil.org/
It is my nine times to join ISSC annual dinner since 2010.  I would like to summarize ISSC annual night that I participated and recorded below:
20150611: AQBPA Award Ceremony Cum ISSC Annual Dinner 2015 - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2015/06/aqbpa-award-ceremony-cum-issc-annual.html



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