
The 15th Annual Meeting of the Extenics (全國第15屆可拓學年會) – Day 1

The 15th Annual Meeting of the Extenics (全國第15屆可拓學年會) was organized by Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI) (中國人工智能學會), undertook by CAAI Extenics Professional Committee (中國人工智能學會可拓學專業委員會) and Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University (NITZU) (浙江大學寧波理工學院) form 10 to 12 Aug 2016.  The opening of the meeting was on 11 Aug 2016 (Day 1).  Dr. Aaron Tong and I represented Hong Kong team to take a photo with Prof. Cai Wen (蔡文) for memory.

We also took a photo inside the venue.

In the beginning, Prof. Yang Chunyan (楊春燕) (who was MC) introduced the meeting and guests. 

Prof. Cai Wen (蔡文) gave an opening speech.

Then Prof. Yu Chunming (俞春鳴) (VP, NITZU) gave welcome remark and introduced Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University (NITZU) (浙江大學寧波理工學院).

Mr. Ning Bing (寧冰部長, 市科協學會學術部) gave opening remark and supported the meeting.

Dr. Aaron Tong represented HKIE-MIE to give a speech and he showed a photo taken in the campus and commented a nice blue sky.  

I was the last guest speaker represented Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) to give congratulation speech and to introduce HKSQ background, aim and international partner such as America Society for Quality (ASQ) and Asia Network for Quality (ANQ), as well as, cooperation with CAAI Extenics Professional Committee to promote Extenics to Hong Kong and the world.  

Then all participants took a group photo.

After that the keynote speeches started as follows.
The first speaker was Prof. Zou Guangtian (鄒廣天) Harbin Institute of Technology Faculty Resources (哈爾濱工業大學) and his presentation topic named “Extension Architectural Planning and Design and Data Mining Research Progress” (可拓建築策劃與設計及其數據挖掘研究進展).

Prof. Zou briefed the core of Extension Architectural Planning which involved three levels requirement and they were “Contradiction Problem”, “Quality Problem” and “Innovation Problem” of the design.  

After that he introduced the Extension Architectural Design System which included Basic-element theory and Extenics methodology.  Finally, he briefed his research named “Extension Architectural Program Data Mining (EAPDM)”.

The second speaker was Prof. Liu Wei (劉巍) (Dalian Maritime University - 大連海事大學) and his topic entitled “Extenics + Networks” (基於可拓學的網絡科學研究及發展).  He said one of characteristic of network was points and relation. He would like to study the combination of Extenics and Network Science.

Prof. Liu pointed out theory and applications both were important and his future research directions on Extension neural network (可拓神經網絡), Complex social networks (複雜社會網絡), Complex logistics network (複雜物流網絡). 

The third speaker was Prof. Zhao Yanwei (趙燕偉) (Zhejiang University of Technology- 浙江工業大學機械工程學院) and her presentation named “Assist Extension Design Innovation and Leading the Development of Intelligent Equipment” (助推可拓設計創新,引領智能裝備發展). Her presentation included research background, Low Carbon design model and conflict handling, as well as, Extension Design Innovation.  

Then Prof. Zhao introduced different equipment applications including cutting machine for cloth and shoes.  There were six steps of Extension Design Innovation and they were i) Model establishment, ii) Classification the design using Dependent Function (關聯函數), iii) Extension Design Inference, iv) Extension Design Solution, v) Extension Design Superiority Evaluation and vi) Optimization of Extension Design.

The fourth speaker was Prof. Li Weihua(李衛華) (Guangdong University of Technology - 廣東工業大學) and her presentation topic entitled “Research Report on Extension Strategy Generating Method and System” (可拓策略生成方法與系統研究報告). It was studied with Prof. Yang Chunyan (楊春燕).

Firstly, she introduced the “Extension Information – Knowledge – Strategy System” and briefed the Extension Strategy Generating System through Model (建模), Extension (拓展), Transformation (變換) and Selection (選擇).

The fifth speaker was Prof. Tian Yingjie (田英傑) (中國科學院虛擬經濟與數據科學研究中心研究員) and his topic was “Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Extenics” (支持向量機與可拓學). Prof. Tian said Support Vector Machine (SVM) (also support vector networks) was supervised learning models with associated learning algorithms which analyzed data for classification and regression analysis in machine learning.

Prof. Tian said the mechanism of SVM and Externics were similar.  Then he point out some example that were small sample, non-linear and n-dimension recognition and function.

Mr. Yin Hanfan (鄞漢藩) (General Secretary, SZIPS) was the sixth speaker and his presentation topic was “Promoting Extension Innovation Method Application and Practice” (推動可拓創新方法應用的實踐).

He reviewed his work and briefed his achievement included the following items:
i)                    Getting Shenzhen government support to promote Extenics
ii)                  Using Chinese Idiom to promote Extenics for youth in primary school.
iii)                Arranging different Extenics seminars for youth
iv)                Participating Hong Kong Extenics seminar

v)                  Studying the combination between Extenics and Patent Law 

Prof. Xingsen Li (李興森) (Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University - 浙江大學寧波理工學院) was the last speaker and his presentation entitled “Innovation Path Study on Knowledge Intelligent Spring up based on Extenics” (基於可招學的知識智能湧現創新路徑研究).  He briefed the existing internet world which was information overflow.  

Prof. Li said we were in Big Data era and existing Knowledge Management Model and System were not available to handle such information spring up.  However, Extenics and Extension Data Mining provided a new direction to handle this case. 

In the afternoon session, I attended the Level 2 presentation and the first candidate was Ms. ZhouYingying (周螢螢) and she selected presentation on Extension Model.

The second one was Mr. Yang Xusheng (楊旭生) and he presented 5 basic transformations.

The third one was Mr. Chen Liang (陳亮) and he used Drone (無人機) to explain the Divergence (發散樹).

I was the fourth one to share my exercise using “Four Steps of Extensive Innovation”.  Moreover, I presented the relationship between Quality and Innovation.  I would like to combine extenics into our Quality Innovation Engineer requirement in near future.

Then Mr. Hua (花同學) presented the basic operation methods of extension transformation included Product (積變換), AND (與變換), OR (或變換), and Inverse Operations (逆變換).

Mr. Li Wenjun (李文軍同學) selected topic was Correlative Analysis.  He used the Tomato scrambled eggs (番茄炒蛋) as example to explain the correlative network.

After finished the exam session, we went to another sharing session.  The speaker was Mr. Cai Ziwei (蔡子維) and his presentation named “Integrated research on Extension Innovation Method and Six Sigma Management Method” (可拓創新方法與六西格瑪管理方法的集成研究).  One of example was fire distinguisher size study which employed Dependent Functions (關聯函數) to select the best proposal.  

The last speaker on Day 1 meeting was Mr. Sha Li (沙力) and his top named “Usually, Solutions are more than Problems!” (辦法總比困難多).  He employed concepts of Extenics to run his business in Funeral (殯儀) Product and Service, as well as, integrating with Internet+.  

The he quoted many successful cases for sharing such as website, WeChat operation, Online Memorial Hall.  They considered customer’s emotion and also promoted under some memory events in China.

After that we went outside for dinner.  I took a photo in the main door of the restaurant named “西江古村

We enjoined the local farm’s food.

廣東工業大學可拓學與創新方法研究所 - http://web.gdut.edu.cn/~extenics/hyanjiusuo.htm
Guangdong University of Technology (廣東工業大學) - http://www.gdut.edu.cn/
Research Institute of Extenics and Innovation Methods, GDUT (廣東工業大學可拓學與創新方法研究所) - http://web.gdut.edu.cn/~extenics/hyanjiusuo.htm
CAAI Extenics Professional Committee (中國人工智能學會可拓學專業委員會) -http://extenics.gdut.edu.cn/xsjg/ktxzywyh.htm  
Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University (浙江大學寧波理工學院) - http://www.nit.net.cn/
CAAI新闻丨全国第15届可拓学年会征文启事 - http://chuansong.me/n/2676792

20160810 - Pre-Extenics Annual Meeting (全國第15屆可拓學年會) Extenics Level 1 Exam - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/08/pre-extenics-annual-meeting-15-extenics.html
20160811 - The 15th Annual Meeting of the Extenics (全國第15屆可拓學年會) Day 1 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/08/the-15th-annual-meeting-of-extenics-15.html
20160812 - The 15th Annual Meeting of the Extenics (全國第15屆可拓學年會) Day 2 - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/08/the-15th-annual-meeting-of-extenics-15_12.html
第一期可拓创新方法水平认证会议通过认证人员名单 - http://extenics.gdut.edu.cn/info/1048/1674.htm

Previous Extenics activities:
20160709: Post-WSCQ Seminar on Extenics (可拓學) and its application - https://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/07/post-wscq-seminar-on-extenics-and-its.html
20160628: Innovation Product Development Seminar - Extenics (可拓學) application in Shenzhen - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/06/innovation-product-development-seminar.html
20160605: The 2nd meeting of the Innovation Alliance of the Extenics (可拓學) - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/06/the-2nd-meeting-of-innovation-alliance.html
20160522: The meeting with Prof. Cai Wen for promoting the Extenics (可拓學) to Hong Kong - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/05/the-meeting-with-prof-cai-wen-for.html
20160507: The meeting for establishing the Innovation Alliance of the Extenics and its application and promotion - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/05/the-meeting-for-establishing-innovation.html
20160506: Visit to the Institute of Extenics and Innovation Methods and HKQAA Guangzhou office - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/05/visit-to-institute-of-extenics-and.html
20160416: Patent Analysis and Corporate Development Series 2016 - Extenics (可拓學) - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/04/patent-analysis-and-corporate.html
20160229: HKCIE Seminar on Extenics (可拓學) - http://qualityalchemist.blogspot.hk/2016/02/hkcie-seminar-on-extenics.html



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