
HKSQ Lunch with Mr. Freeman Young (Father of Zero Defect in China)

HKSQ exco members included Peter Fung (Vice-chairman, HKSQ), Minda Chiang (Hon. Secretary, HKSQ) and I (Former chairman, HKSQ) had a lunch with Mr. Freeman Young Gang (楊鋼) and Mrs. Young at Science Park on 24 May 2013.

Mr. Freeman Young Gang (楊鋼) is the founder and chairman of the Crosby Management Institute (China), and Zero Defect Management Center. He is the "Father of Zero Defect in China", a best-selling author, and one of the most influential quality management thinkers and speaker.  He is the only Chinese Disciple of Crosby (美国管理大师克劳士比唯一的中国弟子).

We exchanged quality assurance idea between Hong Kong and China. We also discussed some cooperation opportunities between Crosby Management Institute (China) and Hong Kong Society for Quality such as seminar and conference, etc.

(Group Photo (Left) : Mrs. Young, Mr. Freeman Young, Ms. Minda Chiang, Dr. Lotto Lai and Mr. Peter Fung)

After the lunch, I as tour guide to introduce Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks included Green Building 18, IC Development Centre and Reliability Laboratory.
We took a photo in front of the Charles K. Kao Auditorium (Golden Egg).

We appreciated to receive Freeman's book included "零缺陷", "第一次把事情做对" and "质与量的战争". The following books I searched were written or translated by Mr. Freeman Young.

Freeman's Book in Chinese
2002年08月 - 质量无惑 (作者:杨钢 编)
2006年05月 - 零缺无陷:中国零缺陷管理首席专家杨钢省思录 (作者:杨钢 著)
2006年10月 - 零缺陷大道 (作者:杨钢 著)
2010年05月 - 质与量的战争:透视“中国品质”的的真相与未来 (作者:杨钢 著)
2011年05月 - 第一次把事情做对(修订版)(作者:杨钢 著)

Freeman translated Crosby's Book to Chinese
2006年05月 - 完整性:21世纪的质量 (作者:(美)克劳士比 著; 杨钢,林海 译)
2006年05月 - 永续成功的组织:企业健康的艺术 (作者:(美)克劳士比 著; 杨钢,林海 译)
2006年05月 - 削减质量成本:经理人缺陷预防工作手册  (作者:(美)克劳士比 著; 杨钢,林海 译)
2006年05月 - 随心所欲的工作艺术:现实中的情景管理 (作者:(美)克劳士比 著; 杨钢,林海 译)
2011年06月 - 质量免费 (作者:(美)克劳士比 著; 杨钢,林海 译)

Finally, we are looking forward to join their conference in Beijing.

Photo: HKSQ exco members had dinner with Crosby in 1999.

20100705 - "中国零缺陷之父"杨钢谈中国制造 - http://book.ce.cn/zzdt/201007/05/t20100705_21581885.shtml
Crosby Management Institute - http://www.chinacrosby.com/
Zero Defect Blog - http://weibo.com/fredman
Freeman Young (2013) "The Quest for Quality in China" The Quality Management Forum, Vol. 39, No.1, pp.1-5.



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